Outreach to business community, industry and other relevant entities is important to enhance awareness on strategic export controls, share information and promote compliance. As part of outreach and awareness raising effort, SECDIV adopts a comprehensive plan of action for the next calendar year. The plan entails intensive interaction with the enforcement officials, business community, chambers of commerce and industries and interaction with academia/ research institutes, in all major/ industrial cities of the country. Besides, basic Commodity Identification Training (CIT) is also conducted at selected locations regularly.
Participation in national and international seminars and conferences is part of the outreach activities. Presentation's on varying aspects of strategic export controls are also given at IDEAS (International Defence Exhibition and Seminar) and other forums. A series of seminars/discussion sessions are held to touch base with the academic community and R&D organizations.
Commodity Identification Training (CIT), carefully tailored to the needs of enforcement agencies is regularly conducted at various Customs Collectorates. The programme has been widely acclaimed. Over the years, capacity building of Customs on commodity identification has been formalized wherein two different modules have been included in the training curriculum at the Customs Training Academy. Postal services are invited for participation in CIT.