Contributing towards Non-Proliferation and Security through Effective Export Management of Sensitive Goods and Technologies

Commodity Identification Training and Outreach/Awareness Raising, Islamabad

A team of SECDIV experts conducted a two-day Commodity Identification Training (CIT) at Model Customs Collectorate, Islamabad on 01-02 March 2022. The training was aimed at enhancing competence of frontline field staff in identification and interdiction of sensitive dual use goods. Over the two days; lectures, presentations, and discussions were held on various aspects of strategic export controls including identification of dual use commodities, implementation of UNSC sanction resolutions and national counter proliferation efforts.


In another related event, DG SECDIV visited Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industries on 3rd March 2022 to sensitize business community on laws and regulations related to strategic export controls including implementation of Internal Compliance Programme (ICP) guidelines and Targeted Financial Sanctions for Proliferation Financing (TFS for PF). While addressing the business community, DG SECDIV remarked that Pakistan remains fully committed to implement export control on goods, technologies, material and equipment related to nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery systems (SECA-2004).


These outreach visits were part of SECDIV routine Annual Outreach and Capacity Building Plan.


04 March 2022