A team of SECDIV experts conducted a two-day Commodity Identification Training (CIT) at Model Customs Collectorate, Lahore on 19-20 April 2022. CIT is an important tool for capacity building of frontline field staff responsible for detection, identification and interdiction of sensitive dual use goods. Over the two day; lectures, presentations and discussions were held on various aspects of strategic export controls including identification of dual use commodities, implementation of UNSC sanctions resolutions and national counter-proliferation efforts.
The team also visited the Center for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) on 21st April 2022 to sensitize the academia/business community on laws and regulations related to strategic export controls including implementation of Internal Compliance Program (ICP) Guidelines and Targeted Financial Sanctions for Proliferation Financing. The team underscored Pakistan’s commitment to implement Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act-2004 (SECA-2004).
The outreach visit was part of SECDIV routine Annual Outreach and Capacity Building Plan.
21 April 2022