Contributing towards Non-Proliferation and Security through Effective Export Management of Sensitive Goods and Technologies

Two-Day International Seminar on ''The Present and Future of Strategic Export Controls'' Islamabad, 9-10 May 2018

A two-day international Seminar on ''The Present and Future of Strategic Export Controls'' wasorganized by the Strategic Export Control Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Islamabad on 9-10 May 2018. The seminar aimed at reinforcing networking among the export control community and strengthening engagements for promoting regional and international cooperation against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) and their delivery systems. 

Independent experts and representatives from different regions and countries, international export control regimes, UNSCR-1540 Committee, academia and industry participated in the seminar. 

Several NSG Participating Governments were represented. Presentations on the latest developments in strategic export controls, strengthening enforcement through compliance, licensing and enforcement challenges and the prospects and challenges for international export control regimes were given by foreign and local experts. 

The event is a demonstration of Pakistan's confidence in its systems and manifestation of its commitment for constructively engaging with the international community in furthering the cause of export controls and non-proliferation. The seminar has also afforded an opportunity to create wider understanding about Pakistan's strategic export controls and enforcement practices. Pakistan has the potential to supply NSG lists' items and, has offered to provide services in nuclear security, export controls and regulatory affairs to other countries under the auspices of IAEA. 

Pakistan's energy shortage and extensive use of nuclear energy for peaceful applications were also highlighted and it was emphasized that membership of multilateral export control regimes should be based on a non-discriminatory and criteria-based approach. Narrow based self interest should not be allowed to over ride the larger objective of non-proliferation and security. 

Pakistan stands ready to work with the international community for regional and international security and the socio-economic uplift of the humanity. 


10 May 2018